Active Webinar


Every second person is suffering from pain - one way or another, all over the world. Pain can have multiple causes. Learning them makes it easier to fight and overcome them. This webinar contains an in-depth analysis of pain and pointers on how to deal with every suffering in the easiest and fastest way.

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This webinar is available in 9 languages

This webinar lasts 120 minutes and you can watch it on PC, smartphone or tablet

Our clients get a lifetime access to each of our webinars.

The price of the current edition €47

One Webinar. All the Answers about Pain

The average person experiences pain every day at one point or another. It could be from an injury resulting from trauma, arthritis, cancer, surgery or many other causes. Pain also has been described as the result of a malfunctioning nervous system.

If you decide to take part, you will get:

Access to an exclusive, extensive webinar, which answers many questions, including:

  • What is pain?
  • How does pain arise?
  • Why do I have chronic pain?
  • How do I overcome the pain permanently?

This webinar is recommended especially for people who are:

  • suffering from chronic pain in the lumbar spine,
  • struggling with rheumatism,
  • practicing sports,
  • leading a sedentary lifestyle,
  • performing sitting or standing work, as well as any other work that puts stress on the lumbar spine.

Learn the truth about pain (and get rid of it once for all)

Pain is a symptom, indicating that something has gone wrong with our bodily systems. Pain is providing important information about the problem and allows us to resolve it. As well as as any other physical symptom (dry mouth, shortness of breath, itchiness etc.) - pain can be caused by different factors. It's important to know them and treat the causes, not the symptoms themself. Therefore, eliminating pain by standard treatments may even worsen the overall condition.

Ask anybody, and they will tell you that not only is pain unpleasant, but it can greatly impair a person’s ability to do daily activities, enjoy life and maintain a high quality of life. In our webinar we will try to share our experience of many years and give advice how to overcome pain in the easiest and fastest way.

The most important difference between chronic and acute pain

The main difference between acute pain and chronic pain is the duration of these unpleasant ailments. Acute pain is a short, self-limiting process - it passes within a month and is directly related to a given disease. Its intensity is, as the name suggests, high. On the other hand, chronic pain lasts at least 3 months, often causing long-term suffering, despite the healing of wounds.

Unfortunately, chronic pain is a very common condition. As an illness it can be physical, mental or emotional. For many people living with chronic pain, existing therapies fall short. With this webinar you will master how to overcome chronic pain with natural methods.

Remember - treat the causes od pain, not the symptoms

When we feel pain, normally we try to get rid of it, but when the pain returns after a period of absence, it means that something was not solved in the body. To get rid of it once and for all, the cause has to be found and eliminated permanently. In this webinar, we explain what pain is, the types of pain, what couses them, and how to deal with them so the pain does not come back.

The pain webinar – what is it?

We know very well that pain is the most common reason patients seek out healthcare practitioners. Ironically, it is also the most common reason that patients leave their doctor with nothing more than prescriptions for expensive drugs with undesirable side effects that treat only the symptoms! Although there are many non-invasive techniques to manage pain, they often don't get used because doctors are not educated about them – that’s where we come in!

Attending this webinar you will learn the complete story behind pain – which types of pain there are and how to deal with them. In the webinar, we explain what the real causes of pain are, and how to understand and overcome them. We share our own experiences and advice that proved helpful for us.

This pain webinar series contains a presentation on a variety of pain-related topics. It includes:

  • A basic overview of the physiology of pain management,
  • A discussion of commonly used treatments for acute and chronic pain,
  • A review of illnesses that may cause pain symptoms,
  • A presentation about issues facing patients with the most common types of pain and pain relief methods,
  • A selection of non-invasive but proven methods to manage chronic pain symptoms.

The benefits of using this webinar in everyday life:

What others are saying about us


Robert: My spinal problems started when I turned 45. All my life I had worked as a cleaning woman, so I worked 20 years on my feet, which affected my back. It was difficult for me to do the simplest activities, without having to sit down to rest for at least a moment. I tried pills, gels, massages: nothing could help me until finally, I took this webinar. After that, the first pains disappeared in a week, and the total improvement came in 12 days. Thanks!


Patricia: I didn't realize what it meant to feel pain until my spine and joints started to bother me. After I fell down the stairs a few years ago, it all started: back, spine, and hip pain. I ended up not being able to sleep a whole night without waking up due to the pain. I had already had enough of this! Luckily, I came across this webinar which I can say, helped me expressly. I can finally go back to going for walks and playing with my grandchildren.


Jennifer: I have never thought I will take webinars, but I am so glad I did! Before I used a lot of different methods, but the pain didn't stop. It turned out, I didn't know what exactly was causing it - so I couldn't treat it right. Not only did the webinar help me in about 2 weeks, but after that, I was able to help my family and friends by sharing the knowledge.

Be Free From Pain

Discover a better way to treat pain, get lasting results, and ultimately improve your well-being, and quality of life. Register today, as spots fill up fast.