Taking care of yourself... narcissism?

Can concern for one's appearance and internal well-being be described as a manifestation of narcissism? The equal sign between self-care and narcissism is wrongly put. Narcissism is now recognized as a disorder that should prompt therapy and self-improvement. It concerns a whole range of behaviors that are harmful to both the person affected by narcissism and the environment. This is even the desire to manipulate others, caring only about your comfort and your well-being, inability to adapt to various situations, as well as difficulty in establishing relationships. This disorder is not really about the most concern about external appearance. This is a common misconception that may have arisen as a result of knowledge of the popular myth of Narcissus in love with his own reflection - this text of culture refers mainly to beauty. However, taking care of yourself, taking care of your appearance in a rational way, as well as caring for your whole body is a manifestation of self-respect. The desire to maintain health and attractive external features is not a manifestation of narcissism, unless one goes to extremes - that is, one does not put one's appearance above the well-being of oneself, one's family or professional duties. It is worth considering professional online training to further broaden your horizons. Webinar Academy is a training platform offering a wide range of webinars and lessons that you can explore comfortably from the comfort of your home. Online learning is a great convenience of the present times and it is worth using it. Especially because the Webinar Academy training is a dose of specific knowledge that can be used in practice.


Is it important?

Is taking care of your beauty important at all? Online training will professionally answer many bothering questions. However, in order to answer this particular question, it is worth emphasizing the reasons why you should take care of your appearance. First of all, it is a business card. Although you do not judge a book by its cover, it is worth presenting a neat appearance within the scope of your capabilities, which shows that its owner cares about health, takes care of himself. A person who takes care of himself or herself is able to take care of others and the duties entrusted to him. Attractively groomed skin increases self-esteem and also improves well-being. It can often also be useful at work, especially in positions focused on large and significant contact with other people. In some professions, the presence will be a confirmation of competence: it is difficult to give the impression of a recommendable hairdresser if you have constantly damaged and uncombed hair. Although every person will agree that the interior is the most important - absolutely nothing prevents you from taking care of your complexion or appearance. A well-groomed person will be much more perceived as a good conversation partner than someone who consciously gives up taking care of themselves. Taking care of your body, well-being and your abilities, you constantly rediscover your interior, learn to listen to your needs and realize them, and thus you are more open to the needs of others. The Webinar Academy training platform is a good choice when the most advantageous option is online learning at home, without having to commute.

In a beautiful body, is a beautiful self

In life, there are circumstances when there is little time and desire to take care of your appearance. As a rule, this brings feelings of discomfort, lowers mood and well-being. Most people want to feel attractive to themselves, and often to themselves and their partner. Finding a moment for yourself and devoting it to taking care of beauty can be very pleasant, especially when it comes to, for example, visiting a beautician or hairdresser in a situation when you are a new mother or an extremely busy person who is trying to catch up with hard work. Higher self-esteem strengthens the sense of lightness, self-confidence, improves well-being and positively tunes to life. Well-groomed appearance is conducive to public speaking, establishing contacts with others, encourages openness. Online training can explain these relationships in a simple way. It is difficult to be a self-confident person when you are aware of a beauty defect that leads to complexes, and which could be properly taken care of and corrected. A person who loves himself in a positive way wants to take care of himself from the outside and from the inside. It is natural and advisable - according to the slogan in a healthy body, a healthy mind. This is not selfish thinking - while maintaining health, a healthy body and well-being, a person has more strength and energy to help others, to use his work productively, which also serves other people. It is also necessary to mention situations when a well-groomed appearance is an expression of respect for others. It is hard to imagine a situation in which someone could appear at someone's wedding dressed inappropriately, dirty and messy. The same dependence prevails at work, but also during an ordinary meeting with another person. Webinar Academy training is a place that offers a wide selection of thematic webinars that expand knowledge in an accessible way.

Self-care and health

Well-groomed skin is not only a radiant appearance and strengthened self-confidence. Proper care prevents the growth of abnormal bacterial flora on the surface of the facial skin. Pathogenic bacteria can lead to irritation, as well as the occurrence of troublesome acne, which not only causes complexes, but generates expensive visits to specialists. In turn, the occurrence of pimples or acne may have a hormonal cause. Online training is a great way to complement your knowledge in this area. If the motivation is a smooth complexion, in the case of hormonal disorders, a deeper treatment should be carried out - take care of your health from the inside. On the face you can also see ailments associated with food intolerances, which may indicate deficiencies in the intestinal microflora. It is worth trying to get a healthy, beautiful complexion to be able to additionally monitor your health. In addition, the basis for a healthy, firm complexion is a varied diet based on seasonal vegetables and fruits, as well as regular hydration of the body. However, this aspect is important for the whole organism. As you can see, taking care of the skin of the face goes hand in hand with caring for the whole body. It is difficult to maintain a perfect and flawless complexion if you do not pay attention to healthy eating, sports, regular preventive examinations and care for supplementing deficiencies. The Webinar Academy platform is the best choice when looking for professional lessons on the Internet.


Taking care of your health is not an expression of narcissism, but it is an indispensable part of life at the moment in which you value life most. You should properly take care of your needs, your appearance and at the same time your health to be a person full of energy, positive attitude and willingness to help others. Webinar Academy platform offers a wide range of trainings and webinars that you can use in practice and implement knowledge in your life, also in the thematic scope discussed above.