Low-energy diet, that is...

A low-energy diet, or a low-calorie or deficit diet, is a way of eating recommended for overweight and obese people. Its goal is to reduce body weight by gradually reducing the amount of energy. This diet must be properly composed, take into account the needs of the body and lead to weight loss while maintaining the proper functioning of the body. With this diet, you can't feel hungry all the time - that would mean that it's not set up properly. A low-energy diet is conducive to improving well-being and is not the same as starvation. The Webinar Academy platform gathers different types of courses. This educational platform provides access to, m.in, training in nutrition or cooking. Reviews of Webinar Academy are favorable among users who are interested in learning online.

Too much energy?

A low-energy diet is intended for people who are overweight or obese and in the initial stages of convalescence after certain diseases. These can be, for example, 1500 kcal or 1200 kcal diets. In addition, a low-calorie diet is recommended for cancer prevention among overweight people. It is worth remembering that making the decision to go on such a diet on your own is risky. Many people then excessively limit the supply of energy, which does not bring them closer to achieving the desired results. Therefore, the decision to go on a diet is made by a doctor or dietician, who will additionally prepare a menu personalized to the individual needs of a given person. Additional help can be provided by training from Webinar Academy - the training platform is constantly expanding the thematic scope of courses, so it is worth keeping an eye on whether there are any new ones. Online learning offers a lot of opportunities for people suffering from lack of time who want to expand their knowledge.

Recommendations and Principles

People who want to enjoy both the effects of the diet and well-being should remember that the indicated calorie loss is from 500 to 1000 kcal. The caloric deficit cannot be lowered below the basal metabolic rate, as this risks slowing down the metabolism. The diet should be low in energy and at the same time balanced in terms of nutrient content. It is best to eat 4-5 small meals and drink 1.5-2 liters of water. The diet must be balanced so that it provides all the necessary vitamins and minerals. If you are following a diet below 1200 kcal for a long time, you should use supplements recommended by your doctor or dietitian. In this diet, fats are restricted to the greatest extent. There should be no more than 40 g of them per day, of which 30 g must come from protein products. 10% of the daily requirement for fats are those of animal origin. It is recommended to consume 70-80 g of protein per day, and the three main meals should include animal protein of high biological value. In addition, you should not eat more than 100 g of carbohydrates per day. The best source of them is wholemeal bread and coarse grain products. They contain fewer calories and provide valuable fiber, B vitamins and mineral salts. In addition, you need to pay attention to the way the food is prepared. It is advisable to cook in a small amount of water or steam, in pressure cookers, in cookware intended for cooking without water, in microwaves or in a combi cooker. It is allowed to stew without the addition of fat, bake in foil, parchment paper, on a grill or on a spit. A learning platform that aims at online learning can provide valuable inspiration.


What to eat and what to avoid

In a low-energy diet, it is recommended to eat vegetables and fruits, especially those low in calories - tomatoes, cucumbers, broccoli, beetroot, lettuce, spinach or radishes, as well as grapefruits, apples, cherries, currants, strawberries, apricots or wild strawberries. Recommended drinks are skim milk (0.5 to 1.5%), low-fat yoghurts and kefirs, sugar-free milk-fruit smoothies, water, sugar-free tea, sugar-free cereal coffee, vegetable and fruit-vegetable juices, as well as "light" drinks. You can also eat bread: wholemeal graham bread, whole grain bread and crisps, lean cold cuts, lean fish, eggs, cottage cheese, pure vegetable soups, lean meats. On the other hand, fried potatoes, potato chips, french fries, potato pancakes, dumplings, pancakes, pancakes, fatty meats, thick soups, large amounts of bread, pasta and groats, biscuits, very spicy spices and sugar-sweetened beverages are prohibited. It will be necessary to limit table salt and exclude products that contain easily digestible sugars, such as sugar, honey, jams, sweets and pastries. In addition to a visit to a dietitian, the Webinar Academy platform will provide helpful information. The reviews of Webinar Academy are mostly positive, which proves the satisfaction of the users.

The end result

A properly applied low-energy diet improves health and well-being. Weight loss results in an improvement in appearance, physical and mental condition. An improvement in metabolic parameters and test results, a reduction in the burden on the osteoarticular system, as well as a reduction in the risk of developing diet-related civilization diseases can be observed. A low-energy diet, which is not too restrictive, contributes to gradual weight loss, which is conducive to maintaining long-term effects. This reduces the risk of the yo-yo effect. People who lose weight at a healthy rate lose between 0.5 and 1 kg per week. It is very important to be patient here - you must not rush anything on your own. It is the dietitian who sets the menu after taking into account the individual needs of the person and decides how long the deficit diet should be used. That is why it is so important to properly collect a nutritional history and plan actions after reaching an appropriate body weight. Many people make the mistake of falling back into old habits after losing weight. The results achieved can quickly disappear in this case, so maintaining discipline is essential at all times.

A low-energy diet enables overweight and obese people to lose weight in a healthy way. This means that it is not synonymous with starvation and cannot be based on too much restriction of the amount of energy intake. Losing weight in a healthy way involves gradually reducing weight. That is why you need to be under the care of an experienced dietician at all times, who will adjust the menu individually for each person.