Instagram - a self-created world

Instagram is a social media platform aimed mostly at regularly posted and carefully cropped photos, as well as short forms of video. This makes it a strongly visual medium, where text mainly comes in the form of short descriptions under photos, or aesthetically pleasing infographics. And, of course, tags - words or short phrases preceded by the "#" symbol. They allow users to follow not only selected accounts, but also specific tags, such as those related to an interest, an artist, or a particular aesthetic.

Thanks to this aspect of Instagram, it will work well for people and brands operating with strong visuals, such as artists, models, or designers. The platform allows you to carefully curate your profile through filters and tools, as well as the distinctive square shape of the images you share. In addition, it allows you to maintain multiple profiles, both business and personal. This way, you don't have to choose only one direction to create one profile, but can divide your interests or types of content between dedicated profiles.


Instagram in business

Instagram, like Facebook and other large social media platforms, allows its users to create a business profile, giving access to more analytical and marketing tools.

In addition to analytics tools, Instagram offers the ability to promote posts and Stories, which are posts or short videos shared by users on their profile that disappear after 24 hours. Both options, if used well, can be indistinguishable at first glance from the "regular" posts that users scroll past. Choosing a less intrusive way to promote can even be an advantage for a brand, as they don't carry the impression of pushiness that social media users have long been allergic to.

Ultimately, with tags and an algorithm noting every like and comment, but also every time a link is copied or a post is saved, business account managers have a whole range of tools to narrow down the target audience as much as possible. Consequently, an ad will display not only to a specific demographic in the target location, but to that portion with specific interests, preferences, or aesthetics. This, in turn, means that a well-targeted campaign increases the chance of conversion, and the money invested in promotion is more likely to pay off.

Instagram and real life

Instagram does not have a strict "friends" system beyond a few features that limit visibility on private accounts. Hence, people use this platform to "show off" more widely. Private profiles can serve as a kind of visual diary, as a way to share your creations and aesthetic sense, or boast about your achievements.

However, it doesn't stop there! Instagram is also often used as a way to organize or spread social awareness about various important topics. Some uses, however, can be a bit less noble. Some people use Instagram to create an idealized version of their dream life, even if it has little to do with reality.

As befits a social media platform, it is also a place for sharing. So in between portraits, there are also helpful infographics, various useful tips, short tutorials or so-called moodboards, collages of several seemingly unrelated photos creating certain feelings or impressions.

Of course, people also observe brands, often using a direct link to the store. Internet users have been joking about things they were "forced to buy" by Instagram for a long time.


Does it work?

Instagram, like many other online platforms, provides its users with many tools and options. However, it is worth remembering that these are only tools. Simply being on the platform does not bring us instant fame and publicity at the snap of our fingers. Just like any other method or tool, Instagram has its uses, features, and ways to use them. It may take some time and patience to master them, and even then it may turn out that this platform is simply not right for us and our brand.

So we're dealing with something that could be a fantastic means of promotion, or even a black hole for our efforts. How do we understand if this is an attractive direction for us and not sink dozens of hours into learning how to use it?

Well, it makes sense to use the tools that are already available to us, such as publications and contributions from business and marketing experts. As it happens, the Webinar Academy training platform already has a comprehensive webinar on the subject! Webinar Academy takes on the responsibility of providing the highest quality webinars possible, composed by experts in fields relevant to the course topics. This allows users to benefit from the highest quality information in an accessible way, without wasting time filtering through the deluge of information available on the Internet on their own. In addition, since WA is an online training platform, location or time is not a limitation, and users can take advantage of the knowledge from anywhere and even return to it as needed.

Instagram is one of the largest social networks today, with a specific, visually oriented niche. Thanks to its tagging system and powerful algorithm, it allows you to accurately calibrate your audience for your ad or brand as a whole, so a small investment can pay off with great conversions. However, it is important to remember that IG is just a tool that you need to learn how to use first. For this purpose, it is a good idea to opt for a webinar prepared by experts from Webinar Academy, an online training platform with a strong focus on quality.