They can, so can I!

Perhaps you are now wondering whether you too can deliver online training? In theory, yes, anyone can deliver online training, but there are certain qualities of a suitable trainer that it would be great to have before embarking on such a career - rest assured, everything can be practised and improved. After all, every day we work improves our abilities. As long as you have the right qualifications and knowledge in a given field and want to pass it on to others, you can take up online training. The qualities of a good, suitable trainer include: communication skills. It's important to be able to reach your audience in an interesting, creative way (and here we have another trait - creativity). It is great to be able to interact with participants, answer their questions or create such a wide-ranging response to an issue that the topic of a training course is exhausted to the limit.

The second aspect that was woven in - creativity, here it is worth using not only an interesting story about a given topic, but an original and engaging presentation, in which we include not only dry text, but interesting, thought-provoking graphics. What's more, the person in this position should be resistant to stress and have a good command of the camera - online presentations may seem trivial, but when it comes to practice, many people are eaten up by stage fright and can't even explain why - so it's a good idea to practice "dry" before venturing into the waters of training platforms and e-learning.


Preparations ... where to start

If you don't know how to bite on the topic of online teaching, it's a good idea to write down a concrete plan and something along the lines of an idea for yourself. You can make a mind map in a notebook and note down there everything you can think of that should be included in your training. It's not just about the content, but the whole environment. For online training, you will need equipment - on the technical side, a laptop will usually suffice, but if you want to take a more professional approach, the simple lights now used for the so-called "selfie", a microphone and a non-distracting background will be welcome. To ensure that your online training is well received by your audience, also ensure that your voice modulation is correct - do simple exercises in both correct intonation and diction. There is nothing more annoying than a "mumbling" trainer who often includes "y"-type interjections in his or her speech. Your first experiences with online training may be more stressful, but always learn from them and correct any mistakes. The job of a trainer is not only to pass on knowledge to others, but also to constantly improve yourself. It is also important to consider where you want to "sell" your training. - whether it should be your individual website or a special training platform such as Webinar Academy.

Preparations - themes and audiences

Once you've got the initial training behind you, it's time to get specific. When it comes to the subject matter and level of training itself, it is a good idea to regularly research the market and the demand for the training in question. This can be done both via social media and by discussing it with friends, others interested in attending training courses. If you have already had your first training, it is a good idea to ask your audience what else they would like to learn, and where we can add more. Perhaps your training participants could have the opportunity to email you after the training with suggestions of topics and issues they would like to hear more about? This way we have a broader view of the actual demand and it is easier to match the right level of knowledge to the knowledge level of the audience.

Sometimes we want to tell all the biggest details of a particular department and the audience is bored because they already know the basics and have come to the training for the 'tastier bites'. In this case, we get down to specifics, don't pour water and reliably go over the requirements of the 'students'. The opposite can also happen, so it is worth being on guard. The Webinar Academy platform is able to cope with a wide range of requirements!

Preparation - theory and practice

How do you combine theory and practice in an online training course? There are several possibilities here. Firstly, the theory itself should also be conducted in an engaging, interesting way so that the audience does not 'fall asleep'. It is also important that the trainer has charisma and a certain connection with the audience, so that the whole is coherent and enjoyable. In live training, where you can interact with the participants, it is good to answer questions, give examples (either heard or from your own life) and also ask questions that will engage the group to interact. However, it is good that these questions are not just theoretical, but force the listener to respond in a practical way, even to come up with a scenario in which they immediately apply the knowledge they have already acquired. In this way, we will ideally combine theory with practical application of knowledge, and it will be easier for the listener himself to apply the content of the lecture in everyday life. Here, it is also good to remember that the theory should not be rules from dictionaries and scientific studies, but told in a way in which we can imagine the given situation "in practice" on the spot.


Preparation – curiosity

In conducting training, the trainer is usually not interested in "doing" his or her job, but in the actual interest of the audience in a given subject. Therefore, it is worth repeating here that you should not only use encyclopaedic formulas in your lectures, but also use interesting language. Even the right intonation and the way in which you talk about something can be encouraging. If someone has good sales skills, he or she can find themselves in such a role very well, because they will treat every issue as something that "has to be sold". If a presentation is used during training, in addition to the text itself, it is also worth including interesting infographics, short videos, mind maps that will engage - for the recipient, such variety will be much more interesting and certainly no one will fall asleep during such creative training.

Preparation - motivation

When delivering training, it is important not only to talk about the subject, but also to arouse the desire of the audience to develop in the given field. This is also where our sales skills and language come in handy - the more interesting our webinars are, the more likely it is that the listener will want to learn more about the topic. During our webinars, we can leave some "tidbits" for the listener, understatements, which motivate them to ask questions and want to explore the topic further.

We can encourage further learning by proving that self-development is a kind of self-promotion, the more knowledge we have, the more interesting contacts we make, and this translates into fruitful collaborations in the future. This is how, for example, there is a wealth of content worth absorbing on the Webinar Academy platform.