Can it hurt?

Dyspareunia is also subdivided into types determined by the factors affecting its onset, it is:

• Organic dyspareunia - defects in the anatomy of the genitals, diseases and other abnormalities that make intercourse difficult contribute to its occurrence. • Inorganic dyspareunia - has a psychogenic basis and its presence is associated with traumatic past experiences related to e.g. sexual abuse, rape. Dyspareunia of psychogenic origin can be caused by fears of having an unwanted or unplanned pregnancy. It can also be caused by traumatic experiences or past events, fear of intercourse or the act of penetration itself. • Generalised dyspareunia - in this condition, pain always occurs at the time of intercourse (regardless of the partner).

Dyspareunia by women is often confused with vaginismus, these terms are associated with pain during intercourse. Dyspareunia causes discomfort during intercourse itself. Vaginismus, on the other hand, results in severe, chronic and recurrent pain at the vaginal entrance and muscle spasm around it, often making intercourse impossible. However, the final diagnosis of the problem is made by the gynaecologist, identifying and selecting the appropriate method of treatment for the dysfunction.

Surprisingly, many women complain of this type of ailment. It is also important not to underestimate the problem and, in any case, to contact and consult your GP or gynaecologist, who will find a way to solve this painful problem. You can find out more about this topic at the Webinar Academy.


Dyspareunia ... reasons

The reasons for dyspareunia are variously combined and individual and can be due to a number of physical and psychological causes, but the most common causes are post-operative complications, physical build up or poor relationships with a partner or sex. Symptoms of this persistent and painful dysfunction include burning/burning pain, penetration pain, pain only in certain positions or with deep penetration, and pain only with a certain partner or under certain circumstances. Deep penetration pain increases especially in certain sexual positions, in which case the cause may be the following conditions: uterine myoma, endometriosis, haemorrhoids, adenomyosis, endometritis, endometritis, ovarian cysts, uterine prolapse or irritable bowel syndrome. Also dermatological conditions such as lichen planus, lichen sclerosus or psoriasis can lead to inflammation of the vaginal mucous layer and increase pain.

Other causes of discomfort can also be infectious conditions of the urethra, vagina or inflammation of the pelvic area due to infection with gonorrhoea, chlamydia, candidiasis, vaginal cysticercosis or bacterial infections. In women of childbearing age, it is often linked to the contraception taken, while in menopausal women, reduced levels of oestrogen lead to a thinning of the mucosal layer inside the vagina. In addition, pain during intercourse may result from genital infections, ongoing inflammation in the pelvic area, pathological genital structures and vulvodynia (pain in the vulvar area occurring for no apparent reason).

Effective discouragement

Dyspareunia - a condition with a physical or psychological cause that is bothersome and painful, and is often quite a surprise during intercourse and destroys wonderful raptures with the partner, which can become the cause of bitter disappointments. It also causes conflicts between partners, lack of emotional closeness and crises in their relationship, involving a lack of sexual attraction to the partner. According to Norbe and Pinto-Gouveia's research on automatic thoughts occurring during sexual activity between dysfunctional men and women, sexually dysfunctional women have significantly fewer positive reactions to automatic thoughts during sexual activities. Such women experience significantly less pleasure and satisfaction and more sadness, disappointment, guilt and anger. The study also showed that emotions associated with depressive affect (sadness, disappointment, pleasure deficit) as opposed to negative emotions (mostly associated with anxiety) are more strongly associated with sexual dysfunction.

A woman's pain during intercourse can vary in severity and type of reason, however, it prevents pleasure and satisfaction from sexual intercourse, the pain experienced effectively inhibits pleasure, which can result in vaginal dryness or a lack of interest in or engagement with the act. Often it is simply impossible due to the emotional basis of the problem. In contrast, dyspareunia in men is mainly caused by condoms. Some men refuse to use them because they are unable to achieve an erection. The cause of the problem is also latex, which can sensitise not only the man himself, but also his partner. The solution to this situation is non-allergenic silicone condoms.


Reasons ... and method

This condition can undeniably affect women of any age and any body shape or mental state. Women can prevent the occurrence of this painful condition themselves and stop dyspareunia from robbing them of the pleasure of sexual intercourse. Ways to prevent dyspareunia are: regular visits to the gynaecologist for preventive examinations, taking care of intimate hygiene using products and rules intended for this hygiene (use of intimate hygiene products and regular change of underwear, etc.), if you have had, for example, a vaginal infection, then, after you have had a vaginal infection, you should take care of your intimate hygiene. If you have had a vaginal infection for example, abstain from intercourse for a while afterwards (ask your gynaecologist for precise information on this subject), take care of your well-being before intercourse - remember that it should be for your pleasure, if you go to a swimming pool or use a public sauna, take care to maintain the rules of hygiene in these places (shower after bathing, sit only on your towel in the sauna).

The method of treatment of dyspareunia depends on the cause; differential diagnosis includes, but is not limited to: vaginismus, insufficient hydration, atrophy or vulvodynia. The treatment of dyspareunia is usually successful. This is because the most important thing is to find out the cause of the pain during intercourse. If dyspareunia is caused by infection or inflammation, appropriate pharmacotherapy is required, e.g. antifungal, antiviral or antibiotics (e.g.: tricyclic antidepressants, oral non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, hormone replacement therapy (HTZ), vaginal estrogen therapy, Botox injections, 5% lidocaine agents, behavioural therapy and others). Otherwise, the doctor may prescribe local anaesthetics, lubricating gels, muscle relaxants, anti-anxiety drugs or pelvic floor physiotherapy or surgical intervention. Surgical treatment is used rarely and only after conservative treatment methods have been exhausted. It may be indicated, for example, in cases of identified foci of endometriosis or in cases of prolapse of the reproductive organs. However, when psychological or relational factors are at the root of the condition, the method of treatment for this sexual dysfunction will consist of psychotherapy led, for example, by a psychotherapist-sexologist or partner therapy.

When pain occurs during intercourse, this should absolutely not be underestimated or delayed in consulting a specialist, because untreated dyspareunia can affect physical and mental health and affect the relationship with the partner. Therefore, it is worth ignoring the feeling of shame and talking to a specialist about your problems in the sexual area, such action will allow you to lead a healthy and satisfying sexual life. Taking into account the above-mentioned methods of treatment in a given case of dyspareunia, it is nevertheless worthwhile to look also at the psychological and relational aspect. It is useful to learn relaxation techniques to help relax the muscles and to give space to enjoy rapprochement - as everyone should be able to do. Educate yourself on the subject with online learning using a training platform.