Workaholism... Is it a disease?

Workaholism is a term first used by Wayne Oates in 1968 to describe the behavior of people for whom work becomes the most important value in life. To emphasize the harmfulness of this phenomenon, it was named in the likeness of alcoholism. However, it is important to remember that not every person who works a lot is a workaholic. Workaholism is characterized by an imbalance between work and other spheres of life and a loss of control over one's own behavior as a result of an internal compulsion to perform work. Such people feel a strong compulsion to perform their duties, even though their work is not a source of satisfaction for them. Workaholism manifests itself through an obsessive, compulsive and internal need to constantly do work at the expense of other areas of life and is classified as a behavioral addiction. A person's relationship with work is defined by three dimensions: preoccupation with work, compulsion to work, and job satisfaction. An enthusiast is a person with a high level of preoccupation and satisfaction with work. An addicted workaholic is absorbed in work and has a high compulsion to do it with low satisfaction with it. All dimensions at a high level indicate an enthusiastic workaholism, and at a low level - an unengaged employee.

Behaviors characteristic of a workaholic include meticulousness, anxiety, problems with maintaining social bonds, a sense of loneliness and fatigue, as well as dwelling on failures. The diagnosis and treatment of workaholism is usually carried out by a psychologist or psychotherapist on the basis of interviews with the patient and his family. Therefore, it is worth noticing disturbing symptoms in time and educating yourself about their consequences. For example, a training platform that offers valuable webinars can help with this.Reviews about Webinar Academy prove that it is a reliable source of such materials.

Work, career, health problems?

There are several main causes of workaholism. These are,, the nature of the current labor market, which requires the employee to perform at their best, to be fully committed to the company and to make large profits for the corporation, as well as the nature of the work itself, which blurs the line between work and family life. It can also be other environmental and biological factors, or the influence of personality and temperament. People with obsessive-compulsive tendencies, narcissistic tendencies and the need for high stimulation are more vulnerable. Work addiction can be a form of escape from family problems or cutting oneself off from difficult situations. The first symptom of workaholism is, of course, preoccupation with work. At a later stage, irritability, headaches, stomach pains and lack of mental comfort appear.

Additional symptoms include an unhealthy attitude to free time, inability to rest, neuroses (especially on Sundays), lack of time for family and friends and hobbies, staying longer at work every day and taking it home. The obvious consequences of this state of affairs are problems in private life, constant tension, loss of interests, chronic fatigue, insomnia, isolation and even alcoholism. That is why it is so important to raise awareness of this problem. Basic information can be provided by online learning, e.g. online training provided by the Webinar Academy.

Or maybe it's better... sleep?

People who are overworked often give up adequate sleep. This is a big mistake. Sleep enables psychophysical regeneration, e.g. improves the quality of remembered information, strengthens concentration and creativity, regulates neuronal, energy and hormonal balance, increases immunity. It will also be necessary for people who have a lot of learning ahead of them, e.g. for exams. It is worth taking care of regular hours of sleep and that the rest lasts 8 hours at best. The parameters of the mattress are also important - it should adapt to the shape of the body. People who are sensitive to sound can use stopwatches, but not all the time, as regular use of such earplugs increases the risk of ear infections and sensitivity to noise. Electronic devices should not be in the bedroom at night or used immediately before bedtime. The room should be ventilated and the temperature should be maintained. Sleep consists of two alternating stages: non-rapid eye movement (NREM) and rapid eye movement (REM).

Both are needed for good recovery. Otherwise, you may be exposed to a decrease in cognitive abilities and concentration, difficulty learning and remembering, mood disorders, anxiety or depression, poorer physical performance, decreased immune resistance, metabolic disorders and increased risk of chronic diseases. For people who want to learn more, there is a good training platform.

Harmony of work and rest

There is more and more talk about the concept of work-life balance referring to work-life balance. Proper hygiene at work, rest, regular meals, breaks and conversations with co-workers prevent burnout, heart disease, neurosis and other dangerous ailments. By taking care of their health, the employee can achieve better results, has the strength and motivation to perform their duties qualitatively better, and is able to think more creatively and maintain full mental clarity and concentration. In addition, an employer who cares about the well-being of its employees improves its own image and the loyalty of its employees. First of all, you need to remember not to introduce work into your private life. After fulfilling your duties, it is worth concentrating on your passions, playing sports, spending time with family and friends. You can also focus on expanding your knowledge. The positive feedback about Webinar Academy is proof that the platform can be used as a source of trusted training.

Work is a very important part of everyone's life. However, it is important to remember to maintain a balance between all its aspects. Workaholism can lead to many serious ailments, so it is crucial to find reasonable time to relax in the rush of everyday life.