The role of marketing

The approach to marketing continues to change. Although at the core it is still the same premise - promoting services and increasing profits - the methods for achieving this are different. Today, in a nutshell, it can be said that the main role of marketing in modern business is to increase profits. This, in turn, requires taking a number of measures and, above all, staying abreast of industry news - of which there is no shortage. It is also important to constantly study the needs of potential customers and adjust the strategy to the current situation. To this end, it is worth betting on communication with the customer, entering into dialogue with them and actually creating a product together with them, based on their opinions and needs. This is what most strongly distinguishes modern marketing from the strategies used in the past. Back then, the product was placed at the center and all activities were planned on the basis of information about the product and the brand itself. Today, marketing includes many activities, such as PR, advertising and image creation, all with the consumer in mind.

The best place for maintaining a dialogue with the customer is through modern channels: social media, chats, e-mails, online reviews. Does this mean that traditional marketing is no longer effective, and all activities should take place online? Not necessarily. The key here is to choose the right message for the target audience and select the best medium for the situation. If you want to learn more about marketing, remote learning might be a good idea. Check out Webinar Academy's offer. This training platform offers many interesting courses that can be done from the comfort of your home. This is the most convenient way to learn - you can absorb knowledge exactly when you have time. Therefore, it's easy to fit the course into your other work or training obligations.

Traditional marketing ... that is?

All marketing is not created equal. The traditional approach is very different from the modern one. Traditional marketing is the work done without new technologies, but with print or other classic media. These can be billboards on the roadsides, posters on buildings, in various public places, flyers, brochures. ads in traditional media. These activities are called offline activities. Radio and television advertisements are also included in this group. A characteristic feature of this form of marketing is a one-sided message. In this case, a brand informs the customer about its product, sends them information, but there is no room for a response or dialogue.

Offline marketing reaches a wide audience, especially for older people. They are not active users of new technologies - or at least not all of them. There is therefore a greater chance that they will see a billboard in a public place than a social media ad. What's more, offline ads inspire trust because viewers are accustomed to them. Want to learn more about this topic? Or would online learning be a good idea? Webinar Academy is worth checking out. The platform offers a lot of content available online. You decide yourself when you learn, which is very convenient. It's worth checking it out for yourself.


Traditional activities

The goal of traditional marketing is to quickly increase sales. This goal can be achieved in various ways. Of course, the most popular are the tried-and-true methods, such as banners, billboards and advertisements in public spaces, where many potential customers can see them. Flyers or other printed materials are also common. TV ads are still a hugely effective form of offline marketing, often used in campaigns.

Traditional marketing, however, also involves customer contact activities, such as classic sales. Trade shows and industry events should not be forgotten either. This is an excellent opportunity to establish a face-to-face relationship with customers and offer them a discount on products and services. Such an option is not provided by modern marketing, associated with the Internet. Here, admittedly, the contact is there, even very fast and in real time - for example, in a chat room or through social media. However, it is still not a relationship established in person, which offers other opportunities. Talking to a live person is, for many potential customers, a more reliable form of communication than exchanging messages in the online world when they can't see their interlocutor. They believe that nothing can replace watching the other person's reaction or emotion visible on their face or heard in their voice. To learn more about this topic, check out Webinar Academy, online training courses. This platform offers many courses in the form of webinars, available online, allowing you to conveniently schedule your learning and fit it in with your other responsibilities.


Does it still work?

Traditional marketing, despite the development of modern approaches and the many new options available online, is still going strong. There are products and services, aimed mainly at the younger generation, which are best promoted online using new technologies - because the target group is most often found there. On social media, websites. On the other hand, it must be remembered that people are still moving, traveling, going to work, so ads in public spaces will still be effective, as long as they take an interesting and attractive form for the recipient. Perhaps the target coarse for such advertising will not be selected 100%, but its reach will be high enough that the brand will certainly exist in the consciousness of the recipient. And from there it is not a long way to purchase. Although the Internet and the development of online marketing seem to dominate these days, traditional marketing has not stopped working. Online promotion is most often cheaper, gives more flexibility, the opportunity to test and check the effectiveness, to reach a specifically defined audience.

Traditional marketing, on the other hand, has a huge reach - ads on TV are still seen by many people, and banners in public spaces are hard to ignore. However, much depends on the product. The key to success is the form of advertising tailored to the brand.