
  • New marketing - Bumble


    Nowadays, it is easier than ever to keep in touch with people. You can communicate with friends via smartphone or laptop, so you can keep up to date with what's going on in your loved ones' lives even if you can’t see them in person. It is also possible to make new friends without ever leaving your home. Apps that are used by many people not only to find their other half, but also their soul mate are growing in popularity. Such apps include, for example, Bumble, which differs from other apps: it is not only geared towards romantic relationships, but also towards camaraderie. But what if companies also made widespread use of this type of app to reach potential customers? At this point, we should mention that Webinar Academy training courses will help to broaden knowledge of marketing, among other things. Webinar Academy is a training platform focused on online learning.

  • New marketing – Quora


    Quora is a Q&A platform where any user can ask a question on any topic of interest or share their knowledge and experience. Here are the highlights of this channel and how to use it in your business operations.

  • Sexual dysfunctions part IX - sexual dystrophy


    Sexual dystrophies are a group of rare, genetic disorders that affect sexual development in children and adolescents. These dystrophies are characterised by abnormalities in the structure and function of the reproductive organs, which can lead to sexual ambiguity, delayed puberty or lack of puberty. Sexual dystrophies are caused by mutations in specific genes that affect hormonal processes and sexual development. The method of treatment for genital dystrophies can include hormone therapy, surgery and psychological support for patients and their families.

  • New marketing – SlideShare


    SlideShare is an online platform for sharing multimedia presentations, documents, video files, webinars and graphics. The following text presents its capabilities and how it can be used to promote business.

  • Sexual dysfunctions part VII - Orgasmic disorders


    Orgasm is the moment of strongest sexual excitement with an accompanying feeling of peak pleasure. It results in the release of sexual tension. A sexual disorder characterised by the inability to achieve it is anorgasmia. Here is a handful of practical information on its causes, symptoms and methods of treatment.

  • New marketing – streamings


    The dynamic development of the Internet has made it the main source of entertainment, providing access to music, movies, series and webinars at the highest level. Although they are most often used for entertainment purposes, it is impossible to hide that they are also an excellent marketing tool. Streaming audio files are also an excellent way to provide training via the Internet The history of streaming development is long and complex, but thanks to the persistence of its creators, it allowed to reap the benefits of modern technologies

  • Sexual dysfunctions part VII – vaginosis


    Vaginismus is one of the most common sexual dysfunctions in women. Research shows that it affects between 3 and 17% of female patients. We present its causes, symptoms and possible methods of treatment.

  • Sexual desire vs. ... its decline


    Sexual desire, or libido, is a natural human need to maintain the species through procreation. It is also intrinsic to emotional life and affects the quality of interpersonal relationships. A decrease in sexual desire, i.e. a reduction in the level of sexual interest, can have its causes in both biological and psychological factors.

  • New marketing – linkedin


    Linkedin is the place to make new business contacts and establish your personal brand. It is an excellent platform for companies to recruit employees and for individuals to gain new work experience.