
  • Diet and Its Types - The DASH Diet


    The DASH diet is a healthy and balanced eating plan that aims to reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, and other diseases associated with poor nutrition. It is a diet based on whole grains, vegetables, fruits, lean meats and vegetable protein, and healthy fats. At the same time, as a sodium-restricted diet, it was created to help reduce blood pressure. The valuable ingredients of this diet remain in line with other popular eating plans. In order to learn more about diets and healthy eating, it is worth paying attention to the Webinar Academy. It is an educational platform where experts share their knowledge about various aspects of healthy living.

  • Diet and its types - high-residue diet


    A high-fibre diet is also called a high-fibre diet and involves increasing the amount of dietary fibre in the diet. This is done to stimulate intestinal motility and regulate its peristalsis without the need for pharmacological agents. It is also intended for people struggling with constipation and functional bowel disorders. It works well for patients suffering from hemorrhoids and diverticula. This diet can also be helpful in some less obvious diseases. Its use should be recommended by a doctor or dietician. Making an independent decision to go on a particular diet can be risky. Therefore, it is worth relying mainly on the knowledge of specialists in their fields, and additionally supplementing your knowledge, e.g. with online courses. They are offered by Webinar Academy. It's a training platform suitable for people for whom online learning is a better option than attending in-person classes.

  • Diet and its types – gluten-free diet


    Gluten is a protein found naturally in wheat, rye, and barley grains. It is responsible for the characteristic consistency of products made from these cereals. Gluten must be eliminated in the diet of people struggling with celiac disease, hypersensitivity and gluten allergy. Recently, however, the gluten-free diet has gained popularity not only among these people. Opinions are divided on the appropriateness of taking this action. In the case of celiac disease, the correct use of a gluten-free diet is actually essential for the rest of life and greatly improves its quality. It's worth learning a little more about it. The most reliable information will be provided by a dietitian, while you can expand your own knowledge thanks to available online courses, such as those from Webinar Academy. It is a training platform appreciated by everyone who is familiar with online learning.

  • Take care of yourself – what is worth knowing


    Much is said about the fact that the recipe for radiant and smooth skin is to follow a balanced diet, drink the right amount of water and the right amount of sleep. Usually, however, this is not enough. Each type of skin faces specific problems that can only be dealt with through professional care. The daily routine should consist of several stages. The basis of healthy and well-groomed skin is, of course, a properly selected cream. It is an invaluable cosmetic that must be in the possession of every person. It is worth remembering that a lot of interesting information about skin care can be provided by training via the Internet. Webinar Academy is a website that offers various online trainings. It is good to check from time to time whether the training platform has not been supplemented with new, interesting issues for a given person.

  • Take care of yourself – what is worth knowing – cream and its types


    Much is said about the fact that the recipe for radiant and smooth skin is to follow a balanced diet, drink the right amount of water and the right amount of sleep. Usually, however, this is not enough. Each type of skin faces specific problems that can only be dealt with through professional care. The daily routine should consist of several stages. The basis of healthy and well-groomed skin is, of course, a properly selected cream. It is an invaluable cosmetic that must be in the possession of every person. It is worth remembering that a lot of interesting information about skin care can be provided by training via the Internet. Webinar Academy is a website that offers various online trainings. It is good to check from time to time whether the training platform has not been supplemented with new, interesting issues for a given person.

  • Take care of yourself – cream and its types – part IV


    Face cream is a basic cosmetic for overall care, which is in the cosmetic bag of virtually every person. Currently, there is such a large selection of this type of products available on the market that you can have a considerable problem finding the right one. That is why it is so important to know the individual needs of your skin type and buy a cosmetic with a good composition. In addition, it should be borne in mind that other preparations are intended for the day and others for the night. They may differ from each other with for example, consistency, formula and content of active ingredients. It is worth learning a little more about the ingredients found in popular creams to know which will bring benefits and which can harm the skin. For more information, online training will be provided. They are offered by for example, Webinar Academy. This training platform is a great place for anyone who wants to expand their knowledge for personal or professional gain.

  • Take care of yourself – cream and its types – part III


    Each person is different, as is their hair or complexion which can have different problems. Each skin type behaves differently and has different needs, and without their determination it is impossible to apply proper care. Store shelves are bending under the weight of creams that promise a lot. However, not all of them will work for all skin types. Face cream is a basic care cosmetic, so it must be selected in terms of the individual needs of a given person or their age and skin condition. Then you can determine what ingredients will be needed to keep it in good condition. Otherwise, there is a risk of worsening specific skin problems. More information on proper care will be provided by online training. They are offered by, for example, Webinar Academy training platform. Online training is an extremely practical option, as it can be used from anywhere.

  • Take care of yourself – cleansing the skin


    Properly cleansed skin is perfectly prepared to take part in further stages of care. Such skin is ready to apply a mask, serum or nourishing cream. This can not be done when impurities from the entire day rest on the surface of the face, or when there are makeup residues on it. How to properly cleanse the skin? How to moisturize and properly nourish it? It is worth using online training to expand your knowledge in this area and apply it in practice.

  • Take care of yourself – face care


    The face is a business card of every person. It is good to take care of yourself, your health and external appearance - for your comfort and well-being above all. How to properly care for your complexion? It is all about proper cleaning, hydration and protection - and this, although it sounds like a complicated process, is very simple. The most important thing is to be consistent and regular in your actions. To become an expert in this field, it is worth using online training, which will explain everything step by step.