
  • New marketing – linkedin


    Linkedin is the place to make new business contacts and establish your personal brand. It is an excellent platform for companies to recruit employees and for individuals to gain new work experience.

  • Sexual dysfunctions Part VI – Paraphilias


    Sexual disorders, sexual dysfunctions, especially paraphilias, are a sensitive topic and often controversial. Nevertheless, it is important to take a closer look at these phenomena and understand how they affect the lives of those affected and relationships with others. This article will discuss the different types of paraphilias, how to recognise and diagnose them, as well as the methods of treatment and support for those affected by these disorders.

  • New marketing – blog


    Traditional forms of marketing are becoming less and less effective these days, so many companies are opting to use modern tools. In recent years, the blog has become one of the most important elements present on the Internet.

  • Online learning - delivering training


    Contrary to the traditional approach, there are more and more tools and opportunities to teach others remotely. Conducting training courses has become a popular way of life, and no wonder - it is, in a way, an emphasis on how fast the world is developing. Recently, many training platforms have been created where we can deepen our qualifications, acquire new knowledge and simply develop ourselves. However, there are two sides to the coin: there are the learners, the audience, but also the lecturers, the trainers. This is not an easy nut to crack, as it requires familiarity with the camera, the ability to divide attention, but also to take into account the fact that we do not have a "live person" in front of us, but a computer. Nevertheless, this way of organising training has many strengths. The training can be delivered from anywhere, often with the possibility for the audience to replay it at a later date. For some, this can be less stressful than lecturing in a room full of people. The online form offers additional opportunities for both the participants and the teacher - as long as they prepare for it properly. The market today offers a very large number of solutions with which we can provide online training. It seems that even more of them will be created over time, as this method of teaching is gaining in popularity. One of these is the Webinar Academy platform, which will undoubtedly help you to better understand a topic so that online learning no longer seems so difficult!

  • Sexual dysfunctions part V - anorgasmia


    Anorgasmia is the absence or significant reduction in the frequency of reaching orgasm despite experiencing significant sexual arousal and the use of sexual stimulation. We also refer to the disorder if a person has an orgasm but it is delayed or does not bring pleasure. Let us briefly explain what an orgasm is: it is the moment of strongest sexual excitement, accompanied by a feeling of peak pleasure. It causes a complete release of sexual tension and is accompanied by: intense sensations felt in the genitals, involuntary contractions of the muscles of the pelvic floor, reddening of the labia minora, accelerated heart rate, increased respiratory rate.

  • Sexual dysfunctions part IV – dyspareunia


    Pain during sexual intercourse is a surprisingly common symptom among women, which is often followed by dyspareunia - a sexual dysfunction characterised by pain during sexual intercourse with physical, but also psychological causes. This dysfunction can manifest itself during sexual intercourse, but also before and afterwards. On the Webinar Academy platform, there are resources to help you better understand dyspareunia.

  • Online platform - which one to choose?


    The development of technology brings with it the need to continually retrain one's own skills. Technology also provides new ways of acquiring this knowledge. During the pandemic, the possibility to upgrade professional (and other) skills online has become valuable. Platforms offering online training have sprung up like mushrooms. And while, the time of the pandemic is over, in today's busy world, online training is still very much in demand. How then to find the training for yourself? How do you choose a learning platform to suit your needs?

  • The training platform - a sign of the future?


    The training platform is a place where we can improve our competences comfortably and without leaving home. It is a great opportunity to acquire new knowledge on your own, but it is also an important tool for companies, where the entire staff can be trained easily. We live in a fast-paced world, where we strive to make those activities that we can, as easy as possible. And learning is certainly an aspect that can be streamlined. Courses, workshops, training platforms, seminars held at some specific location, require us to spend time commuting and perhaps other costs. A training platform makes it possible to learn from anywhere on earth, which encourages a large group of people, making such a formula increasingly attractive. Already since the pandemic crisis, we have learned many valuable things, re-evaluated our needs and recognised that many activities can be done differently than before. A large group of people feel less stressed when they can receive training "remotely" - whether it is an individual course or perhaps a workshop provided for all employees in a company. This form of upskilling is definitely a sign of the future - which, importantly, can allow us to gain much more valuable insights than with standard training. One example of such a platform is the Webinar Academy, which will give you a better understanding of the whole subject. Training platforms are not only used by individuals or corporations focused on increasing results, but also by teaching staff, who can gain other points of view on many aspects through such procedures, which is undoubtedly developing.

  • Sexual dysfunctions part III - premature 'finale'


    If you are reading this article, then you already know what it is like to occasionally ejaculate earlier than you and your partner would like. Of course, it is upsetting. You're embarrassed, unsure of yourself and worried that you haven't satisfied her. But is this a real problem? Although frustrating, coming too fast from time to time is not usually a cause for concern. In fact, it happens to most guys from time to time. But what if you consistently ejaculate too quickly? What if intercourse usually only lasts about a minute - sometimes just a few seconds? What if you constantly feel ashamed, anxious and stressed even at the thought of sex because you know you can't stand it? What if you've never known any other way? If this sounds like it applies to you, you may have premature ejaculation. The Webinar Academy platform is a site that further explains various health issues, including premature ejaculation and potency, through online learning.